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Tips in Selecting a Data Center Collocation Service Provider

Selecting a collocation provider is a critical decision making task for most organizations. Many things have to be checked and well considered like how collocating will pose an effect to current IT resources, current data requirements and changes taking place in the course of time, how collocating will affect customer service and the list goes on. If your company does not have the capacity to come up with your own data facilities, collocating via data center can provide you with the flexibility you need and the savings that you desire. Whatever is the set of needs your company has, it is recommended to choose a collocation provider on the basis of these elements.

Cues on Choosing Your Data Center Collocation Provider

1. Location of the Data Center

When choosing your collocation provider, one very important aspect to check is the physical location of the data center. The specific requirements of your company must be considered hand in hand with this. For instance, if the data center is mainly used for storage and could access, then the data center must be located close to your headquarters. It provides extreme convenience for your IT staff to go to the collocation data center that is within driving distance. On the other side of the coin, it is better for a data center to e located near to end users if your company has the data facility render services to customers.

2. Is the Data Center More Prone to Calamities?

Being a prospective customer of a collocation provider, it is important to check whether or not the location of the data center makes it prone to natural calamities. Natural calamities such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and others are among the environmental hazards that can produce a total or partial damage to a collocation facility, leaving you losing your data if not an expensive downtime. Even when almost all data centers today have a recovery plan of their own prepared for such disasters, it can be ideal to know which choice is much safer for your organization.

Choosing a collocation provider is indeed a very important decision-making task for every organization that has a data to run and use for daily business operations. In time, you may also find that there are more things to put into account when choosing a collocation company such as their commitment to sustainability, the number of data centers they have, and several others. But never take the task more complicated than it is since there are always proper protocols to everything and when you know what to look for in a collocation provider, choosing the right one will never be an impossible thing to accomplish.
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